ORAS OU 2022 公开赛 秋季赛 报名[Cancelled]
本比赛成绩将计入PS China Classic III的分数与胜率
Score from this competition will be counted and applied to the score and win rate of PS China Classic III.本比赛的最小开赛人数为8人,如果超过报名期限未满则会延长报名一周,再次未满则不会开赛
The minimum number of participants to start this competition is 8. The registration will be extended by one week if it's not satisfied. The competition will be cancelled if it is still not satisfied.规则
Competition format is G6OU. Anyone can join, rounds decided by number of participants.赛制为BO3双败淘汰赛,败者组一周一轮,胜者组在与败者组人数相同的周次进行比赛(两周一轮),总决赛时败者组冠军需要连续赢下两个BO3才能战胜胜者组冠军夺冠。
The OU Open applies a Bo3 double elimination format. The losers bracket finalist has to win 2 consecutive Bo3s in order to win the tournament against the winner bracket finalist.报名
You are allowed to postpone your match for only one time(No more than three days). Deadline for signup is 23:59, 23rd octThe competition starts on 24th Oct.在本贴下方回帖报名,格式如下:
The form for your signups should follow:QQ:[请留下QQ方便届时联系约战] 例: 用户名/Username: InkPupil QQ:1843058829
报名人数为单数时最后一个报名的选手将成为替补,如果第一轮有选手被act win则第二轮开始会被替补强制替换,当多名选手被act win时会随机选择一位。
If the number of signup is odd, the last signup player will be in as sub and he/she will be subbed in automatically if there is a player who is requested to execute an activity win. Opponents will be randomly selected when there are multiple players who are requested to execute an activity win.请选手在比赛后自行保存replay并发给裁判(如果由于延迟问题无法上传可以选择下载replay),replay是判断比赛胜负的重要依据,选手有义务保存replay交给赛方,对于没有replay的比赛裁判有权宣判比赛无效。
Please keep your replays after every match and submit them to the referee
(Download it is also an option when there is a netlag problem). Every player has their obligation to save their replays which are regarded as the most important evidence for referee to conduct his duty. The referee has his right to call matches off for those without replays奖励
进入决赛即奖励国服Old Gens房间Room Voice(+),已有Room Voice(+)则升级为Room Driver(%)
The finalists will be awarded the OU Room Voice(+) in PS China Server, and the existing Room Voice(+) will be upgraded to Room Driver(%)积分奖励
轮次\总参赛人数 Round\Total number of participants 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 冠军 Champion 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 亚军 Runner up 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Round 13 - - - - - - - - 550 Round 12 - - - - - - - - 500 Round 11 - - - - - - 450 450 450 Round 10 - - - - - - 400 400 400 Round 9 - - - - 350 350 350 350 350 Round 8 - - - - 300 300 300 300 300 Round 7 - - 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Round 6 - - 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Round 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Round 4 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 裁判 Referee
Every replay or postponement should be submitted to referee. -
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