每周竞猜 第六季第五期
每周将会给出一定数量的重要宝可梦赛事的比赛竞猜,和之前一样,你需要做的是对其中任意场比赛做出胜负的判断 (赢得加粗)。每两个月为一季将会对这期间的全部竞猜进行总结,正确率前20%的用户中猜对比赛数量最多的三位将获得积分奖励(若猜对数量一样则正确率高的排名靠前)
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee
***影子的竞猜***click to show
***阿茶的竞猜***click to show
***小纸的竞猜***click to show -
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee -
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee -
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee -
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee -
此回复已被删除! -
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee -
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs LNumbers
SS OU: Stareal vs Tace
SS OU: mncmt vs ez
SS OU: Storm Zone vs INSULT
SM OU: Lusa vs z0mOG
SM OU: 64 Squares vs Punny
ORAS OU: London Beats vs xray
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Persephone
BW OU: Finchinator vs GaryTheGengar
BW OU: SoulWind vs elodin
DPP OU: Christo vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: ABR vs Jirachee -